Picture overload!
Now that we're all caught up visually... ;)
Let's talk about breastfeeding. After lots of research I've discovered the reason why I wasn't able to breastfeed my first two children, and since it's so hard to find any doctors or LC's who know enough about it, I self diagnosed myself. I have IGT, insufficient glandular tissue. My breasts went through very little change during pregnancies, and in fact i didn't develop properly during puberty either. It's not necessarily about the size of your breasts, it's other factors such as spacing, shape and asymmetry-- all of which I fit. And it's amazing to see these stories online from women like me who went through exactly the same thing: with their milk supply not increasing no matter how hard or long they've tried. But luckily now i have a target; I have a REASON and knowing what the problem is, lack of mammary tissue, I can better SOLVE it. I had already had plans of co-sleeping, skin-to-skin contact, frequent nursing, SNS if supplementation is needed, lactation cookies, fenugreek, LOTS of water-- but now I have two herbs that are said to increase breast tissue; these herbs have been helping women with my problem to exclusively breastfeed!!!! It's a miracle as far as I'm concerned! I just really hop it works just as well for me.

So this is my main focus right now, preparing to nurse baby Eli. Praying this works, I really, really want this.
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