32 Weeks Pregnant!
The Bad; morning sickness has seemed to return. I feel terrible in the morning, and then again at night. It's getting very obnoxious! No vomiting, just annoy nausea that can't seem to be relieved. Heartburn has been at an all-time high, along with acid reflux. I feel like a freakin' fire breathing dragon! Not only when I sleep, when I bend down to pick up toys, when I wake up, when I sweep... now even when I'm vegging on the couch! It's becoming a continual all-day thing and I'm really not sure what to do! I've tried apple cider vinegar and it didn't do much, but I think I'm going to try again. I'm going through way too many tums. I think I'm going to buy some papaya enzyme tablets and see if it helps. So, aside from all of that it also seems the baby is trying to claw his way out of my cervix-- and that my friends is not a happy feelings. SO ready for this pregnancy to be over with!
Birth; I've been thinking about this a lot lately. I had a decent experience with my 2nd born child, but I definitely had some hang ups during transition and pushing. I've read so much more now than I had before so I have some new goals about this labor and delivery-- make low pitch moaning sounds and grunts, high pitch sounds cause more pain and less progress, low pitch sounds tend to help with the pain much better. Keep my lips and face) "loose". If I tighten my mouth and clench my face, my whole body will tense up-- not only that but I will break all of the blood vessels in my face during pushing just like last time! This time I plan to restrain from using my facial muscles at all and make an "O" shape with my mouth and continuing with the low pitch sounds so I don't tense up. I'll have my husband and my Doula to remind me-- thank goodness! The last difference would be the fact that I am having this baby in the water. My first water birth! I really hope this helps with the pain, I've heard it's wonderful and a much smoother transition into the world for the baby! I've also discussed delayed cord clamping with my midwife's NP and they are totally down for that! They also suggested having Tony help catch the baby... he however isn't too keen on this idea. I'm hoping he'll change his mind!
Breastfeeding; this is a sore subject for me, things went horribly wrong with my first two. I tried for *so* long and it never happened for us. It really destroyed me and made me feel like a failure. That all being said, i'm a bit nervous-- okay a LOT nervous about nursing this baby. However I've been reading about skin-to-skin contact and letting the baby lead the breastfeeding while in a slightly reclined position rather than sitting straight up and I'm so ready to try this all out! I also will be making lactation cookies very soon! I'll post a recipe and review when I do!
In other news; we sign the new lease and start moving on the 1st. Baby Tres' car seat came and I *love* it thus far. It fits perfectly in our backseat, 3 across, with room to spare! It's almost July now which means August will be here before ya know it and Baby Eli will be in our arms. How exciting! I really can't believe how fast time has flown by.
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