I should have started tracking my thoughts and concerns during this pregnancy MUCH EARLIER in this blog, but; better sooner than later!

I've changed my diet dramatically. Okay, okay. Not dramatically. I don't forbid myself from consuming things- however I have limited things much more than before and decided to take everything in moderation. I have added more fruits and veggies into my diet. I'v e switched to whole grain pastas and multi grain breads- favorite being OAT NUT BREAD, NUM! I've cut out coffee from home- and now allow myself to have it when going out only, which isn't too often. Mainly because I have trouble knowing when to stop, prior to pregnancy I was consuming 3 cups a day. YIKES! Between the caffeine and the sugary/fattening creamers I'd buy... No bueno. And thanks to my coffee cut- I have lost a nice amount of weight in early pregnancy! I am so proud of myself. :) It was a hard choice, but it had to be made! I have not been allowing myself to have soda in the house for a very long time, but now even when i go out I TRY to avoid it (only a few sips of hubby's usually). Soda is SO bad for you. No matter what. There is no justifying it, in my opinion. I think the only time I'll make an exception is at Taco Bell- hello Baja Mountain Dew!
Last night my brain was on baby names! For a boy we are pretty much set. Max Antonio Martinez, nice right? I don't love the initials, lol- MAM. But I love it so much, that it doesn't even matter. Max was my father's middle name, and the name he went by since he wasn't fond of Rodney. Antonio is my husband's middle name- and he just so happens to go by Tony in most cases. Max Antonio. Perfect. It has family value, Max is cute, cool, fresh and has a nice sound to it. Antonio is sexy, suave, well groomed and distinguished. I am completely satisfied with our boy name.

Girl names on the other hand... every time I think I am sure I rethink myself. On with the girl names of the moment! First we have Lucy Isabella, my Lulu Belle. Lucy is sweet, rolls off the tongue, it's current, yet it has old fashioned charm as well. It's familiar. It comes with some nice nicknames, namely Lulu. Flash backs of I Love Lucy re-runs come to mind with this name- but it's not old. No, Lucy is alive more than ever. Isabella is VERY popular right now, I'll admit. But for a middle name, I don't mind that at all. Isabella is feminine and romantic. It's nearly the sister name to Antonio. Not to mention Isabella is actually a form of Elizabeth, my middle name. And it allows me to call her my Lulu Belle, a definite plus! Lucy Isabella, I think this is my favorite- we'll see! Next up is Natalia Grace. Natalia means Christ's birthday- it just so happens I found out I was pregnant on Christmas Eve, kinda neat- right? Although, I KNOW Christmas is not the actual day, but it's the day we Christians have dedicated to celebrate Him and His birth. Natalia in it's self has a nice Latin-y flair. It does sound like a sister to Bianca, but perhaps too similar? I don't want my children's names to be too matchy- although Lucy starts with and L like Landon, the two are VERY different. As is Max with both children's names. Natalia, however, is exotic. It's sexy, but nickname Talia makes it cute for a little girl. Natalia seems to be his family's favorite- so that definitely means something to me. I've liked the name for a VERY long time. but some how, I'm not sure it's quite right. Last, but not least we have Audrey Elizabeth. *Sigh* Audrey! When I hear Audrey my mind automatically flashes to the brunette, doe eyed beauty that is Audrey Hepburn herself! I LOVE miss Hepburn! If I were to name my child after any celebrity, it would definitely be her- because she wasn't just a celebrity, she was an icon! The name it's self is cute and spunky, it's fun! It's adorable, and it still carries that old Hollywood glam! It suites little girls and grown women equally. Audrey, is a fabulous name- however it doesn't seem to roll of the tongue the way Lucy does, which is my only complaint. Elizabeth, is my middle name. Elizabeth takes you back to a Jane Austen setting- you immediately think of Miss Bennett and Mr. Darcy, or at least I do. I love it, and not just because it's my middle name. ;) It goes back even further than Jane Austen lit. Think waaaayyy back to Biblical days! Elizabeth is timeless and beautiful, and here to stay. You can't go wrong with this name and all it's wonderful nicknames.
So there lies my dilemma. Girl names are MUCH harder than boy names. They're all so lovely- where boy names are more.. limited. Oh well, one way or another this baby will have a beautiful name. ;) Besides, I am really thinking team blue right now! We'll find out March 24th I guess. :)