I've been away for a long time, but I've decided to start my blog back up! I decided I needed a new name for my blog, something more fitting. And after waiting and waiting for the "right" name to hit me, it came to me. In a moment of chaos amongst all of my wailing and yelling kiddos "Practicing Patient."
Patience isn't one of my strongest virtues, to say the least. As a mom of 4, and especially two that are under 3... It's really hard to just go with the flow and stay calm and serene. I mean, is that possible?! But nevertheless, I know that it's something I need to work on, not just for me, but also for my children. They are constantly watching me, and looking to me for answers. I am one of their biggest role models at this stage of life, so if I can't keep my cool how can I expect them to? So, I am on a mission... A mission for peace, serenity and patience.
I love the new title! Looking forward to reading more!
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