10 Defining Things About Me...
1. Motherhood; I am a mom to Landon and Bianca. They are fiery, free, stubborn and sweet. They fill my heart and my home with smiles and laughter and joy. It's so cliché, but so true. They remind me to enjoy life and to laugh at myself.
2. Love; My husband defines me in such an unexplainable way. It's not possible to be the person I now am without him, because he is part of me. When we became married we united, we're no longer two separate beings. Our hearts have coveted. His love, and our relationship is just so much of who I am.

Jesus; I am a Christian woman, I live my whole life through Him. He has given me my freedom, my salvation, my everything! I have been reading the Bible a lot more lately and have learned to consult Him in ALL things in my life. Not just wants/desires. My love for God is something that keeps me going when I am struggling the most. All things are possible in Him.
4. Coffee; Every morning I have a cup of joe, or two, sometimes even 3! Okay, well that's throughout my whole day, actually- I limit myself to three. ;) The taste, the satisfaction, the feeling I get with the first sip! Mmmm! Not to mention the ENERGY that I need to chase after the wee ones all day long. Coffee, keeps me going, gotta love the java!
5. Romantic Movies; I am a sucker and a sap for them. The sadder, the better. Everyone needs a good cry, right?
6. Online Mom Friends; I became pregnant at 16, almost 17- a very young age to embark on motherhood. Along the way I joined a Myspace group for pregnant teenagers, and somehow several of us formed our own group. A safe place for friendship, advice and honesty. Eventually we moved our group to facebook. We've had our ins and outs- but in the end, it's been amazing. We've been each other's support, and I don't know how I would have made it without them. I love them. :)
7. Fashion; Faux Ugg boots, skinny jeans, leggings, Jackie O sunglasses, anything with anchors or owls, gigantic beads and purses, beret style beanies, flats and all things trendy. My store of choice? Forever 21, trendy AND affordable.
8. Birth; I want to help women make informed decisions. the right decisions for them. There is no cookie cutter birth. But in this country, we have such a high number of cesarean sections, medical inductions, epidural, etcs. And so many women do not know there choices, and they simply do not that these "normal" choices they are making have a domino effect and will lead to a cascade of interventions. Hopefully, one mom at a time, those numbers will decline. One day.
9. Audrey Hepburn; Simply the most graceful, beautiful woman to live.
10. Cooking/Baking; I think I really just love creating, but food is the way to the heart. It's the one thing that connects us all. I know that cooking for my husband and family always leaves me feeling warm and proud. Nourishing them, and putting my love into it. I love it. :)